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VMworld 2020 – Mi sugerencia de Sesiones para tu Agenda

Mañana empieza el VMworld 2020, uno de los eventos de tecnología más importantes de cada año. Éste en particular será virtual y gratuito debido a la pandemia, si todavía no te registraste te recomiendo hacerlo ya que la cantidad, variedad y calidad de las sesiones es impresionante.

Allí cada uno puede armar su agenda, marcar las sesiones que le interesan, hacer networking con otras personas, visitar a los sponsors con charlas y además hablar 1 a 1 con diferentes especialistas.

Es imposible asistir a todas las sesiones ya que hay muchos tracks en los mismos horarios, por eso sugiero que veas la agenda de ante mano para saber a qué vas a participar.

Tomé nota de algunas sesiones interesantes, las cuales detallo abajo y espero puedan servirles para armar vuestra agenda. Los dividí por los tracks tal como lo tiene VMware en su portal para que sea mas fácil decidir a qué tienes ganas de asistir.

Para que los enlaces funcionen tienes que estar inscrito en el VMworld y tener una sesión activa con tu cuenta. Espero verlos en el evento!


Best Practices for Cloud Financial Management [MCOP2170]

Better Together: CloudHealth and VMware Secure State [MCOP2174]

Multi-Cloud Like a Boss! Interact With a Live Web Application! [MCOP2274]

Multi-Cloud Management with vRealize Automation [DEM3246]

Simplify Multi-Cloud Financial Management with CloudHealth [DEM3223]

vRealize Operations for App-Aware Ops [DEM3316]

Hybrid Cloud

App-Aware Operations [HCMB1725]

5 Things You Need to Know About Hybrid Cloud Management [DEM3257]

Adopting DevOps for Infrastructure with vRealize Automation [HCMB2251]

Application to Infrastructure Troubleshooting with vRealize Operations [HCMB1728]

Architect Multi-Cloud Monitoring Solution using vRealize Suite 8.1 [HCP1983]

Automate IT Processes with vRealize Automation and vRealize Orchestrator [HCMB2254]

Automation and Operations for Your Tanzu Infrastructure with vRealize [HCP1501]

App Modernization

Make Your Kubernetes Clusters Production-Ready with Tanzu [KUB3429]

Cloud Native Operations on Kubernetes [KUB1056]

Application Modernization with VMware Cloud on AWS and Kubernetes [MAP1251]

Automate the Containerization and Patching of Modern Applications [DEM3287]

Deconstructing the Monolith: Replace, Refactor, Rebuild or Replatform? [MAP2219]

Foundations of App Modernization [MAP2634]

Functions, No Code, Low Code: A Transcoder Ring to Emerging App Patterns [MAP2327]

Modern Apps and Containers: Networking and Security [VCNC2920]

Virtual Cloud Network

Solutions Keynote: Virtual Cloud Network – The Network for Your Future Ready Business [VCN2799]

Prepare for the New Normal of Work from Anywhere [VCNC2919]

Operationalizing Advanced East-West Security at Scale in the Datacenter [VCNC2921]

Achieve Advanced Application Troubleshooting Across NSX-T and Multi-Clouds [VCNC3191S]

Active-Active SDDC with NSX Advanced Load Balancer Solutions [VCNC2043]

Demystifying Multitier Gateways in VMware NSX-T Data Center [VCNC1140]

Deploying VMware NSX-T in Traditional Data Center Infrastructure [VCNC1766]

Modern Load Balancing for Multi-Cloud Environments [DEM3275]

Software-Defined, Full-Stack Network Modernization for Hybrid/Multi-Cloud [VCNC1948]

Intrinsic Security

Why Intrinsic Security Should Be a Part of Every Customer Conversation [PAR2871]

Security for Public Clouds: Visibility & Security Controls At Cloud Scale [ISWS2946]

How to Remediate Findings and Automate Guardrails with VMware Secure State [ISCS2321]

Investigate and Detect Cloud Vulnerabilities with VMware Secure State [ISCS1973]

Service-Defined Firewall Multi-Cloud Security Design [ISCS1030]

Cloud Infrastructure and Workload Security: VMware Secure State and Carbon Black [ISWL2072]

Securing Kubernetes Environments from Development Through Runtime [ISWL2942]

Digital Workspace

Solutions Keynote: Journey to a Future Ready Workforce [DW2716]

Achieving Passwordless Authentication Today with Workspace ONE [DWDE1378]

Maximize Employee Experience, Engagement with Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub [DEM3266]

Remote Working Strategy – Business Continuity for Your Workforce [DWDE1273]